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Spooky Workshops 萬聖節工作坊
日期:2015年10月17日 、24日和31日

優惠期有限, 詳情請致電82278842查詢。


Graceful Hands嘩鬼帝國學堂正式招生!
今年我地會去參觀蜘蛛妖嘅盤絲洞, 跟可怕嘅女巫學做各種怪食製作, 仲會同古靈精怪嘅科學怪人一齊大搞作。
各位小朋友趁住今年萬聖節, 一齊黎我地Graceful Hands嘩鬼帝國全線學堂,
學習各種魔法, 成為一個法力無邊嘅女巫同巫師啦!
Graceful Hands嘩鬼帝國學堂報名熱線82278842, 我地成班妖怪等緊你~

Graceful Hands Spooky Kingdom is now open for NEW Witches and Wizards to enroll!
You have to learn lots of spectacular magic in our Spooky School.
We will visit the Haunted House of Creepy Crawly Spider,
making magic recipes with the Wicked Witch and work with Frankenstein to make Crazy Crafts.
Come and join our most spectacular and spookiest Halloween Workshops in any of our branches in our Graceful Hands Spooky Kingdom!
Please contact our centers at 82278842 for more information.